
We have some exciting news at the Walnut Hill farm!


It’s GOATS! We brought home three beautiful doelings from Cabochon Farms in Zimmerman, MN. These girls have been settling in to their new digs for the past month, allowing us to get to know their fun quirks and personalities!

IRMA loves my hats. She jumps on me all the time, trying to taste em.

We have twin sisters, Spice and Irma (Cabochon Farm’s DI Contrelle & Treble). Spice (Cantrelle) is incredibly bold and runs the barnyard. She is feisty and hungry, loving herself that sweet and tender alfalfa hay! Irma (Treble) is my favorite! She is “my” goat! She loves following me around and checking in on her sister. She ALWAYS is jumping up and putting her front hooves on me. I don’t know if she’ll ever learn.

Millie will fool you! She is a trouble maker, keep your eyes on this one!

Then we have Millie (Cabochon Farm’s)! Little Miss Gloa got to name her. Millie is the SWEETEST little lady. She loves everyone but is unfortunately the bottom of the food chain in the barn. She is an about a month younger than her flock mates. She stands like a statue when she is being pet and is so SOFT!

Millie says HAI!

We recently started milk stand training. I built a stand off of some instructions I bought off of Etsy. It was super easy but fun project. Made me miss building stuff! So I had to put my tools to work and build a little hut that will serve as a little extra warmth in these Western Wisconsin winters. This hut is in their run inside the barn, but these ladies are tiny! Small animals make me nervous, especially when the temps can hit -20s or below.

Spice working on her milking stand training!

You may be wondering what Valnøttåsen means. This is the herd name that we will be registering our kids under! Jess and I had to work pretty hard at coming up with a herd name. Unfortunately, The Walnut Hill was already taken so we needed to come up with something clever. We put a bunch of options into AI generators and we got some pretty hilarious results! While Walnut Hill Tiny Fog Trotters is pretty amazing, we settled on Walnut Hill in Norwegian, which we found fitting considering we are from the great white north!

Keep checking back in as I plan on trying to make time to share our adventures with these ladies as much as possible!


Time Got Away From Us