
The Walnut Hill Farm will always offer quality food. We believe it’s our responsibility to grow and raise what we eat in the most sustainable way. To us, that means no chemicals, no hormones and no antibiotics. We want to be able to eat good tasting food without worrying about how it was raised and think our community should be able to have that too. 

Home Grown Pork

Our animals are raised on locally sourced, organic feed. They have free access to their pasture and enjoy sloshing around in their mud hole and rooting up the ground. We offer quarter/half/whole shares along with pre packaged cuts for ease of purchasing.

Farm Fresh Eggs

All our eggs come from happy, healthy hens. The girls forage all day looking for whatever their hearts desire. They are fed a certified organic feed. We collect from the hens daily to ensure our eggs are the freshest and cleanest they can be. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Pasture Raised Chicken

Birds are left to pasture once they are old enough to be outside. They spend their days looking for bugs and grazing on grasses. We feed them daily a certified organic feed to ensure they are getting proper nutrition along with all the goodies they find on pasture. We offer whole chickens, processed right on our farm, for purchasing.