Coopin' Ain't Easy

Farm life continues even when the temp dips and the snow falls out at The Walnut Hill Farm! Jess is looking forward to chickens in the spring. That means we need to find a place for them! We have an old chicken coop on the property, just South of the house. The roof is sagging and the South wall is bowing out. We are looking at rehabbing the old coop and making a nice space for the hens next year. 


I began by cleaning out the debris that was left behind by the previous owner. A lot of children's toys and even a small mattress. With some helpful advice from some family, I braced up the ceiling with some 2x4s. I then had to remove the plywood from the ceiling. It was screwed in so I simply unscrewed the boards! Most were rotted so they just came right off revealing very long sagging boards which supported SO MUCH HAY! 


The boards were nailed in and were easily removed with a hammer and a crowbar. The hay was a different matter! I also found a small wheel and some glass... never know what you're going to find. I made it almost back to where the braces are located. I'll hopefully be able to keep working on it over the next couple weeks so keep an eye out for more updates! 

The fire was cooking! Melted all of the snow surrounding the barrel and created some cool designs in the snow. 

The fire was cooking! Melted all of the snow surrounding the barrel and created some cool designs in the snow. 


Papa Builder